Happy New Moon in Aries blessings to you all. With this fresh start opportunity we are encouraged to be clear on what it is we want, stay patient, and keep working away on the projects which support our higher self and passions.
The first New Moon of the astrological New Year has arrived and is going to help us move forward with new projects or any new beginnings we have in mind as all the planets are direct till the end of this month. The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Ceres, Chiron and Eris are all in Aries - let's see what this brings for us. Keep thinking positive. Being ruled by Mars, Aries is not shy of hard physical work.
Aries is very good at getting things done and can be described by some as a bit chaotic, daring or even unpredictable. They are passionate, energetic and can be impatient. Described as a born leader and pioneer by some. Symbolised by the Ram, Aries are said to not think before taking action and will not back down from challenges. The body part associated with this Fire sign is said to be the head, brain, eyes and face.
Therefore treat your brain to some meditation, when it's warm enough find a quiet spot in nature and listen to the sounds around you. Modern research has shown that meditation develops the brain and that's something that I'm sure we'd all welcome.
The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is " A woman in pastel colours carrying a heavy, valuable but veiled load." Think about what this means for you. Is the lady carrying too much responsibility ? Do you know your true value and are you keeping it hidden from others? For anyone who's taking steps to move forward on their path you may have to work at ignoring those who attempt to knock your confidence.
As with each New Moon we have the opportunity for a fresh start, but go ahead with caution, there may be more information needed or arriving to help you make the right decisions.
For anyone wishing to bring more energy to their career Simone Butler suggests cleaning up our front door entrance. Make sure it's clean and tidy and easily accessed, you may wish to add anything which reflects your goals or indicates a new start. Without knowing this wee S and I treated ourselves recently to a new welcome mat which cheers us up every time we see it and reminds me not to take life so seriously. It has a Star Wars theme and reads " Welcome to the dark side! "
The Sabian Symbol for Pluto at this New Moon is ' A Mountain Pilgrimage.' If you're someone who's been working hard on something with dedication and devotion, then you're in a good place to now make the next steps along the journey. But go steady and know that it takes time to get lasting results and for things to unfold naturally.
April Elliot Kent encourages us to know when to slow down and contemplate before making decisions with the energy coming from Mars, Gemini, & Neptune in Pisces. " Whether it's buying a car, filing our taxes, or negotiating to buy a house, we have to learn to defend ourselves in a fast-talking world. This means sharpening our minds, learning to trust our intuition, and putting on the brakes if we need time to think things through."
April also says be clear on what it is that you want with this New moon. Remember what we wish for can often come true so make sure it's something that's in the best interests of all.
Use the Aries energy for taking initiative and it's self-drive wisely and you could plant some solid roots that will grow through this cycle.
Thanks for reading,
Blessings Sarah
Questions to ask:
- Am I giving my energy to what I want to at this time ?
- Is my energy output serving my higher purpose?
- Am I carrying too much on my shoulders?
- Is what I want in the best interests for all ?
- Am I being true to myself ?
Bach Flower Essence Suggestions:
Elm: for when we feel overwhelmed with responsibility
Cerato - when we seek advice from others, not trusting gout own judgement and intuition
Aspen - for anxiety and fears of the unknown
Holly- for anger
Larch - for confidence
Walnut - Adjustment to change and times of transition, also good to protect sensitive people from outside influences, known as the chain breaker
You can order the above Flower Essences from healingherbs.co.uk. They're not expensive and will last a long time.
If anyone would like a one to one Bach Consultation then please email Sarah who will suggest a combination bottle to suit your individual requirements.

No big changes to my previous image apart from tidying up my smudges. Feeling better for that :)